Breyik the Apprentice has a face!

Well, not really a face, so much. But a cover, and for a book, that’s much the same thing. It is very exciting for me to finally see this project come together and to share it with you! Oh, and while I’m sharing, here’s the description from the back cover, too:
Raised in kobi society, where skill in Devicing is valued over all things, young Apprentice Breyik is determined to outdo his long-dead parents and become the greatest in history, but one man stands in his way. Master Takkri must judge him ready.
Breyik has a plan that cannot fail. He will meet any challenge, achieve any goal put before him.
But Master Takkri is not about to make it that simple.
Before Breyik became the larger-than-life hero who inspired generations, he was an apprentice Devicer toiling under a severe master and the constant pressure of his ancestry. In a few short days, though, his clear path through life took a sharp turn and set him on the course the rest of Tal Deorai would never forget.
Release Date
Breyik will be out on September 1, 2017. It is now available for pre-order in print and ebook format from Amazon with a limited number of signed print editions available, as well! Yes, for now, at least, the ebook will only be available through Amazon. But I will let you know if that changes in the future!
Back to Work
That’s it from me for now. Consider yourself teased.
If you want to to know more about Breyik, upcoming sales, or my other books, be sure to sign up for my mailing list below!
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